Ministry Teams

Devana Parish Church is formed under the Unitary Constitution. We have chosen to operate this with a Kirk Session and six Ministry Teams which all have specific remits and devolved powers to make certain decisions within the scope of their remit. These Teams have a membership of both elders and members of the congregation and community.

The Ministry Teams meet regularly, record the business of their meetings and decisions taken and report to each Kirk Session meeting with a Steering Group ensuring good communication between the Teams.

The remits of each Ministry Team are detailed below. These will be regularly reviewed.

Worship Team

Co-convened by the Ministers. Organist(s)/Musical Director(s) to be ex officio members.

The remit for this team includes:


  • supporting and enabling worship within the congregation;
  • encouraging new forms of worship as required;
  • encouraging participation in worship services by church members and team members and offering training to enable that participation;
  • developing special worship services with the Ministers as required;
  • discussing resources for worship and recommending new resources as required;
  • ensuring the sound and vision equipment is suitable, in liaison with the Property and Finance Teams;
  • supporting good stewardship (of money, time, talents and creation)


  • advising the Kirk Session on the appointment and conditions of service of a Musical Director/Organist;
  • encouraging musical involvement;
  • ensuring the various church copyright licenses are up-to-date;

Children and Young People

  • ensuring that crèche facilities during morning worship are available with appropriate liaison with the Safeguarding Coordinator;
  • developing participation of children and young people in worship, and seeking ways to promote intergenerational worship;

External Responsibilities

  • liaising with local Care Homes within the parish and offering worship services;
  • ensuring that there are regular opportunities during worship to encourage the Twinning Partnership with congregations in Malawi, responsibility to the World Church;


  • ensuring that the beadle’s responsibilities are being effectively carried out, in consultation with the Ministers;
  • ensuring that the communion equipment is correctly maintained, replacements advised to Kirk Session, and communion arrangements are in place;
  • liaising with Mission and Discipleship Team over matters that crossover between the teams (such as Advent/Lent series);
  • liaising with Social/Relationships Team over church flower displays for special occasions.
Mission and Discipleship Team

The remit for this team includes:


  • providing ways in which people can explore and deepen their faith;
  • helping members see the importance of the ‘spiritual’ in day to day life;
  • ensuring that Safeguarding arrangements are in place by supporting the Safeguarding Coordinator;
  • lead involvement in stewardship programmes focused on the use of talents;

Children and Young People

  • oversight of the congregation’s children’s groups, including advising the Kirk Session on the appointment of leaders;
  • oversight of Holiday Clubs, including advising the Kirk Session on the appointment of leaders;
  • encouraging school chaplaincy and congregational involvement in supporting both Primary and Secondary schools within the parish (in partnership with Fountainhall);
  • providing learning opportunities and resources for the children’s, youth and adult work within the congregation and parish;

Growing Faith

  • encouraging greater participation by members in church life and promoting spiritual growth;
  • ensuring, in co-operation with the Ministers, that a regular Church Membership or Enquirer’s course is available;
  • supporting the development of a greater awareness of the wider implications of Christian faith, as it impacts justice and peace issues (for example, fair trade, world church, Christian Aid);
  • creating and maintaining a library of education resources available to the congregation;
  • lead involvement in stewardship programmes focused on the use of talents.
Social and Relationships Team

The remit for this Team includes:


  • developing means by which to encourage relationships with neighbouring congregations;
  • suggesting ways in which the Kirk Session and congregation can respond to needs within the parish;
  • nurturing the friendship and partnerships between partner and twinned congregations;
  • lead involvement in stewardship programmes focused on the use of our time;
  • oversight of the Coffee Shop(s);
  • assessing possible means by which to reach out to people within the community and build friendships (aware of the need for relationship-based mission);
  • providing a channel for dealing with matters of current social and community concern, advising the Kirk Session as appropriate;

Pastoral Care

  • oversight of the pastoral care system;
  • provision of pastoral care support for those in hospital;
  • provision of pastoral programmes and appropriate training as required;

Social Events

  • providing opportunities for people to come together socially and encouraging others to provide such opportunities;
  • providing opportunities for fellowship following morning worship;


  • oversight of communication to the community, ensuring it is regularly produced and supporting the editor;
  • oversight of the church website and Facebook pages, to ensure they are best being used to encourage good communication;
  • communicating with outside bodies as appropriate (e.g., Ferryhill and Ruthrieston Community Council);


  • organising the annual flower calendar and ensuring that there are flowers provided for the church sanctuaries each Sunday;
  • coordinating the delivery of flowers following the services in consultation with the Ministers;
  • providing link to the Living Well Café for people with dementia and other memory issues and their carers;
  • maintaining a register of those willing to provide transport to the church, and making necessary arrangements as and when transport is required;
  • suggest to Kirk Session a local and international charity for seasonal special collections.
City Centre Team

The remit for this Team includes:


  • exploring possible ministry opportunities within the city centre;
  • praying for discernment over the way forward for the church in the city;
  • engaging with other groups (such as Aberdeen Churches Together, Workplace Chaplaincy, Street Pastors) which have a locus within the city centre;
  • investigating what is happening in other city centres;
  • explore funding options (in partnership with Finance Team) for any future work;
  • working with Fountainhall Parish Church and the Parish Grouping on matters relating to the city centre.
Finance Team

The remit for this Team includes:


  • providing financial management within the congregation;
  • proposing to Kirk Session appointments for office bearers related to finance: Treasurer, Offering/Gift Aid Coordinators, and Independent Examiners of Annual Report;
  • supporting the Treasurer and Offering/Gift Aid Coordinators;
  • liaising with the Church Administrator on matters that will be part of their job description;
  • leading role in stewardship programmes focussing on money;

Financial Stewardship

  • reporting to the Kirk Session on any issues of concern relating to payroll management;
  • ensuring that a regular account of income/expenditure is presented and any issues highlighted to the Kirk Session;
  • advising the Kirk Session on fundraising initiatives and developing such initiatives as required;
  • ensuring that all monies due by or to the church are paid and received timeously in coordination with the Church Administrator;
  • promoting good stewardship (financial and of the environment);


  • organising and supporting the weekly count of the offerings;
  • organising who will pay in monies to the bank account(s);
  • bringing an Annual Report for submission to the Kirk Session for approval as per the church and OSCR regulations;
  • preparing an Annual Budget to be presented to the Kirk Session;
  • reviewing the Purchasing Policy for the congregation;
  • recommending to the Kirk Session hall letting charges annually;
  • ensuring that insurance is appropriate and up to date;
  • ensuring that correct records are maintained for financial matters.
Property Team

The remit for this Team includes:


  • responsibility for the care and maintenance of the church buildings and manses;
  • proposing to Kirk Session appointment for the Property Convener;
  • supporting the Property Convenor;
  • working with and supporting the Caretaker(s);
  • working with the Church Administrator as and when appropriate;
  • carrying out an annual inspection of all church property;
  • ensuring that the requirements of the Church of Scotland as they relate to the upkeep of property are followed;
  • ensuring that church property is fit for purpose and meets the needs of those using the buildings;
  • ensuring all safety equipment and services (e.g. fire alarms, first aid) are in good order;
  • leading role in stewardship programmes focussed on creation;


  • seeking approval from the Kirk Session for work that goes beyond the agreed annual budget for the Team;
  • considering changes to the church properties that would enhance their use, in consultation with other Teams;
  • encouraging and enabling the congregation to continue to care for creation as an Eco-Congregation;
  • liaising with the Worship Team and Mission and Discipleship Team over how best to encourage people to think about their environmental impact;
  • ensuring that the ICT and AV equipment within the church is fit for use, replacing as required or providing new equipment in consultation with other Teams as necessary;
  • maintaining and improving the grounds around the church buildings;
  • oversight of the usage of the church premises by other organisations;


  • maintaining a register of keyholders, issuing keys as required (managed by Church Administrator);
  • organising cleaning of the church building, appointment of cleaning contract, supervision of cleaner’s duties, purchase of cleaning materials and equipment (via Church Administrator);
  • reviewing the Grounds Maintenance Plan;
  • liaising with outside bodies as required (General Trustees of the Church of Scotland, Presbytery of the North East and the Northern Isles, outside contractors, architect, and so on);
  • ensuring that correct records for property matters are maintained.

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Journeying Together
by FAITH - in HOPE - with LOVE

©2024 Devana Parish Church of Scotland, Aberdeen
Registed in Scotland as a charity (SC015451)

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Tel: 01224 213093 (Fonthill Road) and 01224 961430 (Holburn Street)

Devana Parish Church

Fonthill Road
Aberdeen, AB11 6UD
539A Holburn Street
Aberdeen, AB10 7LH


10:30 a.m.
please check here for site
Holy Communion celebrated on
First Sunday of the month