Financial Giving
Please note that you can donate to Ferryhill Parish Church using the online secure service Givey through THIS LINK.
You can give by Freewill offering envelopes, by Standing Order or by cheque. Visitors may give in the plate collection, but we would encourage our regular members and friends to commit to giving a regular amount each week, month or quarter. If you are setting up or increasing a Standing Order, the Church Bank Account details are as follows:
Virgin Money
George Street branch, 62 Union Street
Sort Code: 82-60-01
Name of Account: Devana Parish Church
Account Number: 50031795
When setting up a Standing Order, please put your name in the REFERENCE section.
If you are a tax payer we can claim Gift Aid on your donations. This means that if you sign a Gift Aid declaration we can get an extra 25p in every pound that you give at no cost to you. Forms are available in church or from the Finance Team.
If you require help with any of this please do ask.
Thank you for your contributions to our ministry and service as a congregation.